Διαχειριστές σχολείου
A center with 50 years of history and service to the community: the IES Valle de Leiva, which was previously the Valle de Leiva High School Institute and which began as a Delegate Section of the I. B. Ibáñez Martín de Lorca. Some of our achievements: The promotion that began the ESO in the 2006/07 academic year (and, consequently, must have finished Baccalaureate in the 2011/12 academic year) gave us the joy of exceeding 85% of ESO graduates. It was no exception: since then we have remained at similar numbers. In November 2014 we received one of the three awards for good practices in public administration granted by our region.
Τοπικά νέα
Τέχνη και Πολιτισμός
Σχολικά νέα
Κοινωνικά Θέματα
Ευρωπαϊκά και διεθνή νέα
Εκπαιδευτικά νέα