Εκπομπή: La Gomera for peace


The students of the Ceo Santiago Apóstol of La Gomera, island that chooses dialogue and listening using the Silbo gomero to communicate a message from the black sand of our beaches to the high peaks with whistled verses of our distinguished poet Pedro García Cabrera. (whistle was declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 2009)

A la mar fui a por paz. ( I went to sea for peace)

Don´t let an elm be rescued with stream of blood,
nor desecrate pigeons with hate messages,
nor burn the houses with olive branches.

That cannot tear me from the lips that i love,
Don´t put the weapons of hell in my hands,
do not be ashamed of the waters that sing,
of the wings that fly and of my own shadow.

Que no se rescate un olmo con arroyos de sangre,
ni profanen palomas con mensajes de odio,
ni me quemen la casa con ramajes de olivo

Que no pueda arrancarme de los labios que amo,
que no ponga en mis manos las armas del infierno,
y que no me avergüence de las aguas que cantan,
de las alas que vuelan y de mi propia sombra.

Pedro García Cabrera.


Σχολείο: Santiago Apostol School– CEO Santiago Apóstol


La Gomera for peace

Σχολείο: Santiago Apostol School
29 Ιανουαρίου 2023 00:00

The students of the Ceo Santiago Apóstol of La Gomera, island that chooses dialogue and listening using the Silbo gomero to communicate a message from the black sand of our beaches to the high peaks with whistled verses of our distinguished poet Pedro …