Εκπομπή: song the turtle
The song the turtle is one of our actions in the framework of the Skills Workshop -Take care of the Environment and eTwinning project΄΄Sea-sos-a without plastics΄΄
The purpose of the workshop is for students to acquire
Positive attitude towards the reduction of plastic waste, recognizing the environmental impact they have especially on marine life, to reflect on their personal responsibility and to adopt specific behaviors that contribute positively to the reduction of plastic waste in everyday life.
In the context of strengthening volunteerism, empathy, active citizenship and as we are in a coastal area we will organize actions related to coastal cleaning and respect for marine biodiversity. These goals will be achieved through experiential, collaborative and communicative actions.

song the turtle
Σχολείο: 5ο ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ Ν. ΜΟΥΔΑΝΙΩΝThe song the turtle is one of our actions in the framework of the Skills Workshop -Take care of the Environment and eTwinning project΄΄Sea-sos-a without plastics΄΄ The purpose of the workshop is for students to acquire Positive attitude towards the red …