Εκπομπή: Save me!


Participation of 18th Lykeio of Thessaloniki in the song contest ” Kanto nakoustei 2020 under the heading “We emit a danger signal, we embrace the Earth”.
Lyrics of song “Save me”
Burning / I’m burning /my lungs are burning
I feel the fire inside me /It keeps steeling all my life
What are you doing to me?/I am the reason you survive
You keep piercing through my skin
Take the gold that hides within
You spill oil into my seas
Kill the life that’s livin(g) in
These machines just suffocate me/I cannot even see
Oh, the sunlight keeps on burning /all my glaciers are caving in
And you throw your plastic waste/ like you know it will disappear
but it’s staying here forever killing me
On what earth will your kids live on
If they cannot even breath
What will your money buy you later
when you won’t have food to eat
All these years you’ve been abusing me
Oh, save me, save me!
Oh, only you can help me!



Save me!

30 Ιανουαρίου 2020 22:00

Participation of 18th Lykeio of Thessaloniki in the song contest ” Kanto nakoustei 2020 under the heading “We emit a danger signal, we embrace the Earth”. Lyrics of song “Save me” Burning / I’m burning /my lungs are burning I feel the fire inside me /I …