Εκπομπή: All of Us Together we Have Built Life


“I was not born to hate, but to love” declared the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles through the voice of his heroine, Antigone, and that is exactly what Messologhi Evening School considers as the starting point of our every defence against Hate Speech. Our Cultural Group has met, thought about, written and written and written and finally recorded every single piece of writing. The following Radio spot was the most powerful one. We send it out to all of you with our love as a shield against hatred. All of Us Together. All of our Voices Together. And our Banner, also created by a student.



All of Us Together we Have Built Life

Σχολείο: Εσπερινό Γυμνάσιο Μεσολογγίου με Λ.Τάξεις
27 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 22:00

“I was not born to hate, but to love” declared the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles through the voice of his heroine, Antigone, and that is exactly what Messologhi Evening School considers as the starting point of our every defence against Hate Speech …