The modern world in which technology is playing a more and more significant role motivates teachers to use it more often in different shapes and forms so as to make the process of teaching/learning more effective and enjoyable. That was the main stimulus for our gymnasium to join NEStOR ERASMUS+ project.

A year of being a partner of the project has enabled us destinguish the first benefits. Initially, the teachers of our high school had two international meetings and multiple skype meetings in which numerous recommendations and ideas were presented and shared by the leaders and partners of the project. Following the instructions, a teachers and students‘ group of Juozas Luksa gymnasium created a radio show on Lithuanian fairy tales which has been used in several integrated Lithuanian – English lessons. That was a promising start. At the moment, Macro and Micro schemes for an integrated Chemistry- English lesson are being created. Naturally, for more comfortable and effective radio show recordings the necessary equipment has been obtained and is being used. A modern computer and microphones make the the process easier and save time. Furthermore, the idea of using a web radio in lessons has been shared with Educational institutions and schools of Kaunas district in seminars and teacher meetings where also an adapted NEStOR poster was presented and given out. Also, a logo on the project was created and the information about the project meetings and radio teaching was posted on the gymnasium‘s web page. Translations of the menu and submenu into Lithuanian were done for the NEStOR portal as well. Hence, the participation in NEStOR project has already shown the first benefits and changes in the educational process of Juozas Luksa high shcool which will hopefully serve as an aspiration to use this innovative source/method in other shools of Kaunas district and Lithuania.

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