Μαρία Ελένη Τσαρσιταλίδη


The whole wide world a melody (Olos o kosmos mia melodhia)

The Crazy Kiddos of the World present their film music preferences. They believe that whoever wherever he/she is can be moved the same way students of the 5th grade of the 3rd Primary School in Keratsini did while having lesson in quarantine. Music uni …

Tags: Music,

Around the world in 60 minutes

Can somebody travel the world in an hour? Oh yes , of course!! By listening to music ! 12th Primary School of Petroupoli presents traditional and modern songs from various countries of the world.

Around the world in 60 minutes

Traditional and modern songs of various countries of the world

Tags: Music,

Ikonio got talent!

6th grade kids of the Primary School in Neo Ikonio have chosen greek songs that talked straight into their hearts and sing them having every intension of moving the audience of European School Radio with their spirit and talent…

Tags: Music,

Ταξιδεύοντας με ήχους

Ενα ταξίδι σε παραδοσιακά ακούσματα αλλά και σύγχρονες επιτυχίες από διάφορα μέρη του κόσμου

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