Saint Matthew Primary School – Osnovna škola "Sveti Matej" Viškovo

Land: Croatia
Grade: Primary
Skole admins


Saint Matthew” elementary school is located in Viškovo, a municipality near the city of Rijeka, the third largest city in Croatia. Our school is attended by 937 students who are divided into 40 classes. We are currently the largest school in our region. 
Our goals and objectives: 
to raise and educate students and train them for responsibilities in life, in the present and in the future 
to develop in the student a sense of respect for basic human and life values, the value of work, independence and willingness to help and cooperate, for togetherness and tolerance 
– a school where we enable every child to learn and be successful while teaching the values ​​of a worthy human being 
acquisition of permanent and applicable knowledge and lifelong learning 
design, selection and application of teaching principles, methods and activities that will result in development and stimulation for each student in all areas of his personality 
develop the values ​​of mutual respect, patience, tolerance, responsibility, teamwork and other positive values. 


Put prema miru

Hi, friend! Although different, we are all the same because we have the same tolerance living within each of us. Instead of looking at our differences as our flaws, regard them as our uniqueness. There is freedom existing in us. We are free from ugly t …

Skole: Saint Matthew Primary School – Osnovna škola "Sveti Matej" Viškovo

The road to peace

Hi, friend! Although different, we are all the same because we have the same tolerance living within each of us. Instead of looking at our differences as our flaws, regard them as our uniqueness. There is freedom existing in us. We are free from ugly t …

Skole: Saint Matthew Primary School – Osnovna škola "Sveti Matej" Viškovo