Kindergarten Proljece from Klostar Ivanic – Dječji vrtić Proljeće iz Kloštra Ivanića

Land: Croatia
Grade: Preschool
Skole admins


Kindergarten Proljeće Kloštar Ivanić is the only institution of early education and preschool education in the municipality of Kloštar Ivanić. In 2023, 65 years of preschool education have been completed in this area. Kindergarten Proljeće today operates as a sovereign institution with eleven educational groups in a regular complete ten-hour program with a capacity of 220 children per year. When the pre-school program that is organized in the kindergarten is added to that, that number can rise to 250 children per year. Compared to some kindergartens, we are a small institution, but compared to others, we appear large. Logically speaking, we are big enough to provide children and parents with all the necessary  care and education. Due to the special location of our facilities, the kindergarten treats children humanistically, enabling each child to develop and confirm their own competencies in a space and environment that meets all the standards prescribed and required by the State. Such spatial assignment also gives the ecological program the opportunity to live in the community. The goals of our work are: successful child development for the world that awaits them, socialization that will give children a solid foundation for the development of stable social skills, care and concern for the health and safety of children, including a diet plan focused on only healthy food, and play that, along with all kinds of child expression, will through many techniques and ways, but also programs, that is, activities to provide the child with the necessary development of imagination.

As our motto says:

“Kindergarten – the initiator of the community’s social life!”
