Gymnasio Palouriotisas – Γυμνάσιο Παλλουριώτισσας

Land: Cyprus
Grade: Secondary
Skole admins



“Palestinian Child from Gaza Seeking Peace in Cyprus”


The poem reflects my feelings and why I came to Cyprus. The poem also reflects my passion to be an asset in Cyprus and be part and parcel of the country

Skole: Gymnasio Palouriotisas – Γυμνάσιο Παλλουριώτισσας

“Palestinian child from Gaza, seeking asylum and Peace in Cyprus”


The poem reflects my feelings and why i came to Cyprus. The poem also reflects my passion to be an asset in Cyprus and be part and parcel of the country

Skole: Gymnasio Palouriotisas – Γυμνάσιο Παλλουριώτισσας