
ΕΕΓ Αιγάλεω
ΕΕΓ Αιγάλεω
-“”e-radio φωνές μας”” μπαίνουν στη ραδιοφωνική παρέα του European School Radio από το Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο Αιγάλεω.
Πιστεύουμε να σας κρατήσουμε ευχάριστη συντροφιά!


Roads and spaces accessible for everyone!


On Saturday 20/5/2023, in the listening zone 13.00-14.00 our e-radios, the radio team of ENEEGYL Aegaleo will present in a short thematic show the interview with the architect about how the streets and spaces should be designed in order to wheelchair u …

Our digital footprint and the protection of the planet

On Monday April 10, 2023 in the listening zone for Health & Environment at 5 pm, our e-radiovoices from ENEEGYL Aegaleo present a short thematic show about our digital footprint and the protection of our planet. Listen to us!



On Friday March 10th, 2023 in the listening zone for school, sports, European and local news at 4 pm, ‘e-radio voices’ from ENEEGYL Aegaleo present a short thematic podcast about handball. Listen to us!

It’s Christmas!


On Thursday, December 19th 2023, in the Arts & Culture listening zone, listen to the first thematic podcast of ENEEGYL Egaleo, about Greek Christmas habits. Listen to us!

Egaleo 1922-2022 :100 years of Asia Minor memory


On Thursday, November 10, 2022, in the Arts & Culture listening zone, listen to the audio of the participation of the ‘e-storiodifes’ group of ENEEGYL Egaleo, titled ‘Egaleo 1922-2022 :100 years of Asia Minor memory’ The participation received hono …

Kids rights

On Thursday, June 2, 2022, about 16:00, the students of D1 and D2 high school of ENEEGYL EGALEO present a short thematic show related to the rights of the child. The show was created with the completion of the cultural program with a similar theme. Lis …

Tags: Art & Culture,

April 10th 1821 – The Battle on Kerasies

On Sunday, April 10th, 2022, at 11 in the morning, “e-radio voices”, the radio team of ENEEGYL Egaleo with the voice of the centuries-old plane tree of Kerastari, narrates the events that happened 201 years ago, in Kerasia, Arcadia, when on Easter day …

Tags: Fairytales,

Captain Giannakas in the Revolution of 1821

“e-radio voices”, the radio team of ENEEGYL Egaleo, presents a short thematic show about the great fighter of the Revolution of 1821, Captain Giannakas. Listen to us!

Tags: Art & Culture,

Trikoupis and Diligiannis


On Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 16.00, “e-radio fones mas”, the radio team of ENEEGYL Egaleo, presents a short thematic show about the work of two emblematic prime ministers of Greece, Charilaos Trikoupis and Theodoros Diligiannis. Listen to us!

Covid-19 in our lives

On Monday, February 1, 2021, at 16.00, “e-radio fones mas”, the ENEEGYL Aigaleo radio team, presents a short thematic broadcast about Covid. Well, stay home, stay safe and listen to us!

Tags: Health,

March 6th – Keep your anger! Day against School Violence and Bullying.


On Saturday, March the 21st, at 1pm, “e-radio fones mas”, the ENEEGYL Aigaleo radio team, presents a short thematic broadcast about the Day against School Violence and Bullying. Keep your anger and listen to us!

Safer Internet Day 2020 Celebration

On Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, at 16.00, “e-radio fones mas”, the ENEEGYL Aigaleo radio team, presents a short thematic broadcast on our participation in the 2020 Safe Internet Day Celebration. Listen to us!

February 9th – World Day of the Greek Language


On Thursday, February 27th, at 4pm, “e-radio fones mas”, the ENEEGYL Aigaleo radio team, presents a short thematic broadcast about the World Day of the Greek Language. Listen to us!

Carnival of Patras: Giannoula Koulourou, the custom of shame


On Thursday, February 20th, at 4pm, “e-radio fones mas”, the ENEEGYL Aigaleo radio team, presents a short thematic broadcast about the abolished shameful custom of the Patras carnival, “Giannoula Koulourou “.

World Day of Persons with Disabilities – December 3


On Saturday January the 18th at 13.00 The “e-radiofones”, the radio group of the ENEEGYL Aigaleo, presents a short thematic broadcast on World Day of Persons with Disabilities and school events on that day.

Our experience of participating in the Pan-Hellenic Educational Robotics Competition


On Friday 29/3/2019 at 4pm e-radiofones mas, the radio group of the ENEEGYL Aigaleo, share in the airwaves their experience from the preparation and participation in the Pan-Hellenic Educational Robotics Competition.

The beauties and the beasts


The participation of ENEYYL Egaleo in the radio contest “Kanto n akoustei”

Christmas and New Year wishes


Eniaio Eidiko Epaggelmatiko Gymnasio Lykeio Egaleo Wishes You Good Feasts!

The two sexes


On Saturday December 8th, 2018, 1 o’clock after noon, “e-radiofones” broadcast start the new radio year with a short thematic show for the eternal enemies and friends: The two sexes, the best friends! Listen to us!

George Zambetas


On Tuesday afternoon, tune in to the European School Radio. Our E-Radiofones from the ENEEGYL Egaleo in the last short thematic show for this year presents a reference to Giorgos Zampetas, Egaleo City’s Zambeta! Listen to us!

Easter and the Lazarus carols


e-radiofones mas from ENEYYL Egaleo has prepared a short thematic program for Easter. On Thursday at 17.00 we will tell you a few words about Holy Week and we will sing the carols of Lazarus accompanied by our musician with her oud!Tune in!

The Athenian carnival party-The traditional dance “gaitanaki”

Our eradiofones will take you to the Athenian carnival party The traditional dance “gaitanaki” and the carnival parties in Plaka and in the neighborhoods of old Athens. Tune in on Thursday afternoon at 4am!

Tags: Art & Culture,

Is there Santa Claus?

On Sunday morning 11:00 to 12:00 “e-radiovoices” broadcast again! Is there Santa Claus? We asked our classmates and we created a short broadcast with their opinion. Listen it!

Tags: Fairytales,

Olympic Flame handover Ceremony

Friday 26/1/2018 “e-radiofones” broadcast their impressions of the Olympic Flame handover ceremony to South Koreans torchbearers for the 2018 Winter Olympics held on October 31 at the Kallimarmaro Panathenaic Stadium. Listen to us!

Tags: School news,


Τέλειωσαν τα μαθήματα! Έρχονται οι διακοπές! E-radio φωνές μας από το Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο Αιγάλεω ετοιμάζονται για τις διακοπές. Ακούστε μας την Παρασκευή στις 6!

Λίγο γέλιο

E-radioφωνές μας από το Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο Αιγάλεω έρχονται πάλι στην παρέα του σχολικού ραδιοφώνου, με ένα ευχάριστο διάλειμμα με λίγο γέλιο.Καλή σας ακρόαση!


“E-radio φωνές μας” από το Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο Αιγάλεω εκπέμπουν απόψε με μια αναφορά στον ελεύθερο χρόνο των εφήβων. Πως ψυχαγωγούμαστε, με τι μας αρέσει να περνάμε την ώρα μας και τι μας διασκεδάζει. Ακούστε μας!

Στάθης Ψάλτης

Αναφορά στον αγαπημένο μας κωμικό ηθοποιό που έφυγε πρόσφατα από κοντά μας

Αγιά Σοφιά

Η εμπειρία μας από την επίσκεψη του σχολείου μας στη θόλο του Ιδρύματος Μείζονος Ελληνισμού, όπου παρακολουθήσαμε την εικονική περιήγηση στην Αγιά Σοφιά


e radioφωνές μας παρουσιάζουν τους Kings!

Καλές γιορτές


Ευχές από την ομάδα μας! “e-radio φωνές μας” σας εύχονται Καλές Γιορτές! Ευτυχισμένο το 2017