


Talk to me about peace, maestro!


(The introduction of “Imagine” is being played, out of tune). Maestro: Have mercy, it is tragic, stop it! Student 1:You are right maestro, it is a complete failure. Student 2: You ARE tragic! I like it, it is just fine, it is super! Student 3: What are …

“In search of our Ithaca”


The song of 3rd High School Eleftherio Kordelio with the theme “Traveling” was created by students for the song contest “kanto nakoustei 2022”.

The journey of adolescence


The radio spot of 3rd High School Eleftherio Kordelio with the theme “Traveling” was created by students for the radio spot contest “kanto nakoustei 2022”. Both the text and the music that accompanies it are original.