Production: Our land is beautiful and fine are its dances


We, the First Grade RadioTinyFeet of the 8th Primary School of Aghios Dimitrios in Attica, sing to you the dances of our land and take you on a trip to our tradition with a kanoon, a violin, a lute and a clarinet. Come along and grab our kerchief to join the dance and have fun with us!
Participants in charge: Eleni Tagkalou, Konstantina Bakogianni
Collaborating Teachers: Rika Makridou, Eleftheria Sambatakakis
Musical Composition: Vagelis Vasileiou
Kanoon: Eleni Daskalaki
Violin: George Daskalakis
Lute: Vagelis Demenegas
Sound- Engineering – Studio: Vagelis Vasileiou
Poster design: Georgia Tourmouzi



Our land is beautiful and fine are its dances

Skole: 8ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αγίου Δημητρίου
26 januar 2018 00:00

We, the First Grade RadioTinyFeet of the 8th Primary School of Aghios Dimitrios in Attica, sing to you the dances of our land and take you on a trip to our tradition with a kanoon, a violin, a lute and a clarinet. Come along and grab our kerchief to jo …