Production: Now, you have identity


Τhe purpose of our radio message is to show the depth of Greek Tradition, its beauty and magnificence as well as our obligation for its continuity.
The last product of our work arised after the study of relevant texts in the classroom with reference to greek tradition, during the lesson of Greek Language.
The participation of teachers in the previous effort was restricted only to the role of animating and encouraging the students. We just gave guidance to them. Thus, student﮲s initiative and creativity, which were first in importance, appeared little by little and came into sight.

– In the radio production message collaborated:
• Message interpretation: Schiza Sofia ( C class)

• Technical and sound support: Avanides Konstantinos, Koutsombinas Konstantinos (C class). Topouzidou Zoe (teacher of informatics).

• Teachers who gave guidance to the students:
Αmphilochiadou Elissavet: teacher of greek literature
Karagiannidou Marina: teacher of greek literature
Vrakas George: teacher of mathematics.



Now, you have identity

26 januar 2018 00:00

Τhe purpose of our radio message is to show the depth of Greek Tradition, its beauty and magnificence as well as our obligation for its continuity. The last product of our work arised after the study of relevant texts in the classroom with reference to …