Production: Educational Program – Live from ATEI-TH

Hver 1 uge mandag, 11:00
     19/02/2018 - 04/06/2018     


Live Show from the studio of Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki.




Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
19 marts 2018 09:00

– Subject Cultural issues – Title Culture and school life – Description Presentation of cultural themes exposed by students’ interests.

2o Gymnasium of Alexandria

Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
12 marts 2018 09:00

– Subject Information – Students’ News, Cultural Issues – Title Against intimidation – Description It will deal with the subject of violence (physical, verbal, electronic) and will cooperate with the school’s responsible OCD.

1o GEL Kozanis

Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl Radiο
5 marts 2018 09:00

– Subject Social issues – Title en-tiposi – Description the group of pupils of 1st Gel Kozani participating in the school newspaper, talks about the teenagers’ concerns and at the same time gives its musical stigma.