Production: Waking up


Participation of 4th General High School of Keratsini in the song contest “Kanto n’akoustei 2023” on the subject “Youth for Peace”.

Work team :
Music editing, poster editing, video editing : Antonis Fotinos, PE86
Text, recording, reading : Stamatia Charami

Text :
Imagine waking up in the morning, opening your window,
let the sunshine come in, smell the spring
and listen to the sounds of the birds.

And then you woke up!!

What kind of world is it, the one we live in?
And what can we do about it?
Why do adults consider war a solution?

New generation, get ready!
We will show the adults what peace means!
We will change the world!
At least we will try!

Video :



Waking up

29 januar 2023 00:00

Participation of 4th General High School of Keratsini in the song contest “Kanto n’akoustei 2023” on the subject “Youth for Peace”. Work team : Music editing, poster editing, video editing : Antonis Fotinos, PE86 Text, recording, reading : Stamatia Cha …