Production: Break the silence. Stop the violence.


He calls me every ten minutes to see where I am. I feel imprisoned.
I have to speak. I was afraid. That was my mistake. I wished every day was better. But he became more and more violent, as if he hated both me and my daughter.
He told me that I am better than my friends, so I better not hang out with them. He was jealous of everything and everyone.
Do you know that one in three women will, at some point in their lives, experience physical, psychological or sexual violence from their partner?
Violence against women is a chronic wound. A global phenomenon
During pandemic, domestic violence has increased alarmingly. Calls to victim support lines have quintupled.
Let’s defeat violence. We send a resounding message to all forms of women abuse.
Don’t be silent. Break the taboo of tolerance and silence.
Do not tolerate abuse.
Protect your life and dignity.
Love girls, respect mother, daughter, partner.
Let the girls live in PEACE.


