Production: Peace is the only way, our way


We are fourth grade students at “ Livadia K.B” Primary School. We are children that love to play, children that have dreams and want to live peacefully with our friends and family in our homeland. All these things that are taken for granted for some people, are things that many children on our planet, including us, do not have. Our own reality with our country being divided in two, along with photographs and videos of children living under war conditions created the need for us to record this radio message. With this message we take a stand against the unfairness of the war and the lack of peace in many places around the world. In our scenario, three kids are searching for the road to peace. Sara is searching for peace by travelling squeezed on a boat, Alexander is searching for it by walking for hours and Daria is dreaming of peace trapped in an underground shelter. Unfortunately millions of children are in Sara’s, Alexander’s and Daria’s position. But they shouldn’t. Not a single child should be looking for peace, they should be living in it. Because peace is the only way of living for every child on earth. And we want this message to be heard everywhere: “Peace is the only way, our way” Narrator: Sara is travelling squeezed on a boat.
Sara: I am cold and scared.
Narrator: Sara is five years old. Today is her birthday but she is not wearing her nice dress. She is wearing a life vest.
Sara: I have to swim, I have to find the road.
Narrator: Which road?
Sara: The road to peace.
Narrator: Alexander is walking for hours with a backpack on his shoulders. He is nine years old and loves football but the ball he is holding does not fit in his backpack.
Alexander: I am holding my ball tightly in my arms but I can’t play. I have to walk, I have to find the road.
Narrator: Which road?
Alexander: The road to peace.
Narrator: Daria is at an underground shelter.
Daria: There is darkness everywhere around me and loud noises that are piercing my ears. I want to run far away to find the road.
Narrator: Which road?
Daria: The road to peace.
Narrator: And the voices of Daria, Alexander and Sara are joined together. And there are so many other voices like theirs that are coming together, becoming one loud voice to be heard everywhere.
Children: The road to peace.
Narrator: But there is no road to peace, because peace is the road and the only way of living for every child on the world.
Children: Peace is our way. So let us live in peace.


