Production: Friendship Attack
Friendship Attack
If only we could plant
bombs of friendship
bombs of love
up in the tall trees
among the flowers
and under the lawn
then we would all turn
the endless fighting
the thorny hate speech
into a blooming garden
a safe haven
for people to reach
The password is safe-kept
in the hands of youth-
the only defenders
of peace-making truth.
When “friendship” bombs
activate and burst
all wounds will heal and
we’ll have avoided the worst.
In anti-war labs
our potions simmer
and give out white steam
a pinch of kindness
a pinch of “peace” dust-
we make a great team!
With these explosives
we’ll heal the pain and
we’ll stop all the grief-
A revolution
of brotherhood
could bring some relief
Despite affection
however deeply
we all seem to care-
we will not change things
or make a difference
to all the warfare
unless we act fast
and stand by
those people in need-
people who suffer
the aftermath
of hatred and greed
CHORUS (The password is safe-kept…the worst)