
Participation of the 4th High School of Heraklion in the “Make it Heard 2023” radio message contest with the theme “Youth for peace”.

War and peace. An inseparable pair. War always necessitates peace, and peace is essentially a truce between two wars.

War and peace. Neither given. The horrors of war coexist in Europe today with the goods of peace.

War and peace. Thoughts and dreams through poetry. Using the poetic form of Japanese haiku (short poems of 17 syllables) we expressed our concerns about the negative effects of war and especially our thoughts and dreams about the universal value of peace.

Students of the 4th High School of Heraklion Crete
Video: (Soundtrack: Vangelis – Beautiful Planet Earth)

RADIO MESSAGE (Soundtrack: Ryuichi Sakamoto – Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence)

Chaos in the world – but where is hope? – Let’s search for it together!
People without war – are alive – and happy.
Without peace – the world is dominated – by grief.
It’s war and darkness – has scattered – Where is the light?
Why should the future – be red? – So many colours everywhere…
In the little world I live in – Peace is the only thing – I want to look at..
Do not fight one another – People – make peace!
Show mercy – to your felllow people! – Be kind!
Peace won’t come – by itself – Wake up everybody!
At last cease the war – Bring peace – spread out joy!
I want – everybody in the world – to be pure – in eternal peace.
Just one wish.. – Peaceful people – living carefree..
Everywhere and always – peace and love – everyone’s fight
The whole world – will beautify – peace everywhere!


