Production: Why Grandma?
(TV plays from behind with news about the war in Ukraine)
Granddaughter: Grandma? What is happening in Ukraine?
Grandma: Unfortunately, war my little girl.
Granddaughter: And what is war? What is going on there?
Grandma: My sweet girl, these are bad things.
Granddaughter: Why grandma? I want to learn!
Grandma: I’ll tell you. For a long time, two countries could not agree on some things, so they started fighting with each other.
Granddaughter: Oh no! What a shame!
Grandma: Indeed, my little girl, and that’s how they ended up fighting with guns and bombs and so many people die every day and so many lose their homes and starve.
Granddaughter: Are they not afraid? Also, how do they keep up with their homework for school?
Grandma: My dear, these people are afraid. As for their homework, these kids don’t go to school. They spend their days in shelters and they don’t play with other kids like you do.
(Steps from brother)
Granddaughter: George, did you know that in our world there are some people who suffer?
Grandson: NO, but I don’t care because I don’t suffer so why would I bother!
Granddaughter: But they don’t have houses!
Grandson: I have.
Grandma: My boy, these people are suffering. You shouldn’t talk about them like that.
Grandson: Why grandma, how do you know they are suffering?
Grandma: I have experienced the war, back in the years, and the situation was similar. Things were difficult, we had no freedom, we couldn’t go out.
Granddaughter: Grandma is right. It may be happening far from us, but in the end, it concerns us all. That is why I am telling you that we, our generation, must fight for world peace, so that all the children of the earth can play freely, go to school and laugh.
Grandson – Granddaughter: ALL together for PEACE!

Why Grandma?
Skole: 1ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΟΡΕΣΤΙΑΔΑΣ(TV plays from behind with news about the war in Ukraine) Granddaughter: Grandma? What is happening in Ukraine? Grandma: Unfortunately, war my little girl. Granddaughter: And what is war? What is going on there? Grandma: My sweet girl, these are bad th …