Production: Embrace Peace!


The submitted material is prepared by a group of fifteen year old students at the Literature lesson. Overwhelmed by what they read and studied along with their experience of seeing what is happening around the world today, they decided to create this short spot in an effort to promote the meaning of peace.

Radio message follows:
Ambition, arrogance, totalitarian authoritarian rule, greed, financial interests, selfishness.
What are the consequences of war?
Ruins, disaster, hunger, occupation, degradation, loss, death!
We, the young generation, voice our faith in the principles of freedom, equality, fraternity, respect, compassion, democracy!


Skole: Perifereiako Gymnasio Xylotymvou– Περιφερειακό Γυμνάσιο Ξυλοτύμπου


Embrace Peace!

Skole: Perifereiako Gymnasio Xylotymvou
29 januar 2023 00:00

The submitted material is prepared by a group of fifteen year old students at the Literature lesson. Overwhelmed by what they read and studied along with their experience of seeing what is happening around the world today, they decided to create this s …