Production: Cause we are young


Participation of E.E.E.EK. (Special vocational and training secondary school) Zakynthos in the song contest “kanto nakoustei 2023”,
with subject “youth for peace”
song lyrics
Cause we are young

If only our world were different
So simple to say but so cliché
A place like heaven full of bright
Peace will be the tutelary

Peace will be the tutelary
To find peace for ourselves
To find peace for the society
Peace will be the leader of the world

Having a big grin
And love, we ‘ll speak
We ‘ll bridge the gaps between us
Cause we are young and we can

Cause we are young and we can
To say no to turbulence
To eradicate the hate
And let the joy to prevail



Cause we are young

Skole: Cause we are young
28 januar 2023 22:00

Participation of E.E.E.EK. (Special vocational and training secondary school) Zakynthos in the song contest “kanto nakoustei 2023”, with subject “youth for peace” song lyrics Cause we are young If only our world were different So simple to say but so c …