Production: Pray for peace


Participation 6th grade students of 21st primary school Serres in the song contest “Kanto nakoustei 2023: Youth for peace”.

Lyrics: Askiti Domna, Karabelas Dimitrios
Music: Ambatzi Nicoleta (PE79 of Music)
Organization: Grouna Maria (PE70 Teachers)
English Ed.: Maria Rapti (PE06 English)

Lots of times I pray
for peace everywhere for prevail
(I pray) people to feel joy
and live brother hood
(I pray) for the children of the whole world
To be united
and happy at the glance of peace

Let s pray for peace
Let s pray for freedom
May the sun of love
arise in the sky
Pray for peace, pray for wisdom
May the star of peace
shine bright high
Let s pray for peace

The war is terrible
it scares the man
and tortures the souls of those who fight
So, let s try to bring peace
that can make people
live in love and serenity

Let s pray for peace


