Production: If you listen to this message


Secondary high school of Thouria, 2023, Peace

If you listen to this message, you probably haven’t been bombarded by some neighbors today,

you won’t be in the middle of the ocean trying to escape a civil war

if you listen to this message, you will not be locked in a shelter

you won’t run to hide because someone is trying to kill you

if you listen to European School Radio, you probably go to school

you won’t be bombed,

maybe you’re at home relaxing,

you can be fooling around on your cell phone,

or google what Solidarity means,

but keep falling into unfamiliar words like:

brotherhood, mutual help, mutual support, humanity, security, unity,

sympathy, support, friendship, care, love …………………….(alarm sound)

and if you just woke up

don’t fall asleep again

do something…………….
Yes, you cannot stop all wars by yourself

but try to plant some seeds of peace
Peace with your classmates, your teachers,
in your neighborhood, in your home
Peace with yourself

you may not achieve anything

but you will know

at least you tried

you owe it
we owe it

to all those who will never hear this message.



If you listen to this message

Skole: If you listen to this message
28 januar 2023 22:00

Secondary high school of Thouria, 2023, Peace If you listen to this message, you probably haven’t been bombarded by some neighbors today, you won’t be in the middle of the ocean trying to escape a civil war i …