Production: I’m 16 and…. I can change the world.


Participation of the 1st GEL Aegaleo in the Make It Heard 2022 competition, with a radio message related to the topic: “The new generation for Peace –
Youth for Peace’.
The children, with discreet guidance from their teacher, created a radio message that expresses the new generation and responds to those who deny them the right to dream.
The text is the result of group work, while the recording was done with the same equipment at the school.

Text : I am young boy
I am young girl
I am 16
I am 17 and I want to play, laugh, joy with carelessness
You are old, you are strong, you are hollow-headed and you give me despair, sadness, pain….
No thanks…
You give me bombs and missiles and nukes…
But I want pencil factories, and books, and theaters and cinemas and carefree walks in the square with friends….
You give me dead children, crazy soldiers, crippled, refugees, orphans, widows…
But I want happy mothers, I want strong and strong fathers, I want children to complain about the many lessons…
You give me hunger, ruined cities, empty eyes…
But I want a house, a corner of my own, familiar streets, secret dates with the boy I love.
I want schools full of children
You give me hate, labels for enemies to destroy,
You give me real guns and bullets that kill
You give me darkness and death….
But I want colorful friends, I want water guns, I want hugs, I want to give and not take….
Hey you, big and old who didn’t learn anything from the nuclear mushrooms of the past, listen to what I want, me the little one…
I want fields sown,
I want peaceful sleep,
i want smiles
I want to dream
I want there to be a tomorrow for me, for you, for everyone
Thanks I won’t take what you give me.
Because I’m 16 and I can change the world!



I’m 16 and…. I can change the world.

Skole: I’m 16 and…. I can change the world.
28 januar 2023 22:00

Participation of the 1st GEL Aegaleo in the Make It Heard 2022 competition, with a radio message related to the topic: “The new generation for Peace – Youth for Peace’. The children, with discreet guidance from their teacher, created a radio message th …