Production: Life without music is unthinkable!

Hver 1 uge søndag, 17:30
     08/05/2022 - 08/05/2022     


What would the world be like without music? Definitely less beautiful. Definitely poorer.
Music preferences is a matter of individual choice.
We are members of the Music Club of Highschool of University of Thessaloniki 2021-2022
and we will present you our musical preferences as well as our own musical performances.
Music Club Teacher: Maria Patio

Enjoy your listening!



Life without music is unthinkable!

Skole: Λύκειο Πειραματικού Σχολειου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης και Γυμνάσιο Πειραματικού Σχολειου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης
8 maj 2022 11:30

What would the world be like without music? Definitely less beautiful. Definitely poorer. Music preferences is a matter of individual choice. We are members of the Music Club of Highschool of University of Thessaloniki 2021-2022 and we will present you …