Production: Lyrics, Colors and Notes for Peace


Poetry radio campaign on the occasion of World Poetry Day 2022
100 years since the birth of Tassos Livaditis – 1922 – 2022
Lyrics, Colors and Notes for Peace
Epilogue (Blowing)
Recitation: George Ma’ovis, high school
Music / piano: Improvisation, Fanis Triantaphyllidis, high school
Responsible teacher: Chara Skoumpopoulou philologist / musician,
At night I have found a nice way to sleep.
I forgive them all one by one … ”
“And only when someone loves us, we come for a while
and when they do not die for each other we are already dead. ”



Lyrics, Colors and Notes for Peace

Skole: Μουσικό Σχολείο Βέροιας
2 april 2022 00:00

Poetry radio campaign on the occasion of World Poetry Day 2022 100 years since the birth of Tassos Livaditis – 1922 – 2022 Lyrics, Colors and Notes for Peace Epilogue (Blowing) Recitation: George Ma’ovis, high school Music / piano: Improvisation, Fanis …