Production: Wind


The period of pandemic and deprivation of liberty is undoubtedly an event of profound personal and social change. Through this radio message, students share their thoughts and concerns about how the new reality has affected their daily lives, but also their temperament, trying to share an optimistic message about how each person, each Odysseus, defies the difficulties and adversities he encounters in his journey, he attempts his own struggle for survival, discovering new ways of expression and creation, personal and collective. The road to Ithaca marks the eternal journey of man’s confrontation with himself and his fears and the exploration of the unknown highlights the values ​​of faith and hope.
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Skole: Geri Gymnasium– Γυμνάσιο Γερίου "Ιωνά και Κολοκάση"



Skole: Geri Gymnasium
6 marts 2022 00:00

The period of pandemic and deprivation of liberty is undoubtedly an event of profound personal and social change. Through this radio message, students share their thoughts and concerns about how the new reality has affected their daily lives, but also …