Production: The words of the boatman


While people risk their lives travelling on boats, the students based on a children’s book “The boat that didn’t sink” of Christoforos Christoforou with Parga Publication 2017, that talked about the journey of the refugees at sea, they were inspired to write the lyrics and sing about the pressure of the boatman , the driver of the boat, who asked them to throw objects out in the sea, so the weight is less and they don’t sink (dangers like whales, storm, waves appear and an optimistic message at the end of the song). The students need to express their empathy and understand how they refugees feel, as we can all be in their own place! With the quitar and music of Andreas, the piano of Stavroula, the bells of Lito, the rainmaker of Mary Francis and the voices of the girls of the 4th grade, this is the song that attempts to touch the heart of everyone who needs to understand and show they care about other human beings found in a volneruble place, from me to us..


Skole: Dimotiko Sxoleio Constantinoupoleos– Δημοτικό Σχολείο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως


The words of the boatman

Skole: Dimotiko Sxoleio Constantinoupoleos
25 marts 2021 00:00

While people risk their lives travelling on boats, the students based on a children’s book “The boat that didn’t sink” of Christoforos Christoforou with Parga Publication 2017, that talked about the journey of the refugees at sea, they were inspired to …