Production: A balloon trip


An interactive radio game, through the European School Radio. Are you ready to play too?
Listen to the original radio story and continue it … write a post about the balloon!
In this episode you will hear the next istallment of the story … will the narration and music inspire you?
We are waiting for you!
Music: Nikos Liappis (3rd grade student of the Music School of Trikala)Despoina Tsampika (2rd grade student of the Music School of Trikala)
Text – Narration: George (student of the Music School of Veria)
Illustration: Chara Skoumpopoulou (Music School of Veria)
Mixing: Giannis Spyrakis (Music School of Trikala)
Coordination: Giannis Spyrakis and Chara Skoumpopoulou



A balloon trip

Skole: Μουσικό Σχολείο Βέροιας
3 juni 2020 21:00

An interactive radio game, through the European School Radio. Are you ready to play too? Listen to the original radio story and continue it … write a post about the balloon! In this episode you will hear the next istallment of the story … will the narr …