Production: Little fish


The one-teacher Experimental Primary School of University of Athens, Marasleion, is participating in the competition with the song “ little fish”. The song was inspiredby a true event which happened one day of school when the little fish leapt the fish-tank!
The arts teacher Dimitris Sarris supervised the artistic creation by the students of the school.
Music: Eleni Anastasiadou



Little fish

Skole: 1ο Πειραματικό Δημοτικό σχολείο Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Μαράσλειο
1 marts 2019 00:00

The one-teacher Experimental Primary School of University of Athens, Marasleion, is participating in the competition with the song “ little fish”. The song was inspiredby a true event which happened one day of school when the little fish leapt the fish …