Production: Neanikes Diadromes

Hver 1 uge fredag, 20:00
     01/02/2019 - 22/02/2019     


The theater on the radio…!
Presentation of “Trisevgeni”, the only theatrical play that wrote Kostis Palamas, the great greek poet to whom is dedicated 2019, as it is considered as Kostis Palamas year



” Trisevgeni ” (4)

Skole: Γενικό Εκκλησιαστικό Λύκειο Ριζαρείου Σχολής
22 februar 2019 18:00

Trisevgeni is both a fairy and a human being, eternaly free and beautiful, so different from the average…..Therefore, the end of her story can’t be ordinary…. Let ‘s follow her to the end…..

“Trisevgeni” (3)

Skole: Γενικό Εκκλησιαστικό Λύκειο Ριζαρείου Σχολής
15 februar 2019 18:00

Trisevgeni is a woman who follows her heart. She chose her love to Petros Floris, a young man who comes from a hostile family, and disobeided her father ‘s weel. What is going on? Does she has to do other choices as well? Let ‘s find it out in this ama …

“Trisevgeni” (2)

Skole: Γενικό Εκκλησιαστικό Λύκειο Ριζαρείου Σχολής
8 februar 2019 18:00

Where is Trisevgeni? The whole village is looking for her…. Let ‘s find out what is going to happen…


Skole: Γενικό Εκκλησιαστικό Λύκειο Ριζαρείου Σχολής
1 februar 2019 18:00

The first part of this production introduces us to the life and poems of Kostis Palamas, to whom 2019 is dedicated so as to be marked both the 75th anniversary of his death and the 160th anniversary of his birth. At the second part, the play begins and …