Podcast: Sing this P(eace)iece

We present to you our song and we are ready to tell you the story behind it….All the instruments are one unity, playing together for a better world! The children are singing for their rights. The right to be free and safe. The world we live in is full of challenges. However, this won’t stop us from being positive with love and hope for peace. If we have education in our lives, knwoledge can make us smarter and wiser because as my grandmother used to say ‘education is freedom and power’. Use your imagination and fantasy to make the world a better place to live because you should know that dreams do come true. Hope and faith is the major key to start. Take the musical staff, the treble chef, use the dynamics and sing as loud as you can. The conductor will always be there to guide you, even if you sing the wrong note, the other members of the choir will support your voice. And what is the world without music? How can we survive without singing? Singing together. One for all and all for one! So… sing this piece with us, the children of the world, for ever lasting piece!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkfDKBjKOn0