Podcast: Peace

What is at last the meaning of this famous “peace”?
Maybe it is about hope
About harmony, communication
Respect, calmness and security
Solidarity ,mutual understanding
Dreaming, opportunities
Serenity and education
About democracy

But, let’s define the meaning of “peace”
It has to do with harmonical coexistence of all humanity
Without stereotypes and predjustice
Not necessarily, nevertheless, about strictly friendly relationships
It has to do with overcoming of “ego”
Respect towards eterogeny
Respect towards different choices

What does this practically?
It means the lack of hatred and violence
The social-economic, political and spiritual development
The love for the natural environment…

We can say that the meaning of the phrase is (according to a demand during the greek dictatorship between 1967-1973) : «Bread-Education-Freedom”

Otherwise, why should we fight, while we can live in peace?

And, of course, we cannot put aside the significance of music in the research of this highest good which is called “peace”…