Podcast: Return to light

Participation of 4th Primary School Neas Ionias Volou “Pan. Katsirelos” in the song contest “kanto nakoystei 2023” with subject “Return to light”

Have you noticed the magic of peace?
No, because the war brings darkness, brings shooting
and all are drown in death
Death is strolling in war time
Dead bodies, thousands of dead bodies for more land
Dont think your own interest but our interest
So many lost tears and dreams
Sound from electric guitar is heard Pain, fear, tears, silence
(Violin: the song of joy.)
We were given Freedom by those that fought, we shall remember them
We were given Peace, dont forget! Peace!
-Come, come girls, I have brought the new ball to play our game!
-We are coming!
-Come Peter, lets go to school!
-Now, I am coming!
-Great, lets meet in an hour at the part
-Lets ask the boys too
-I will call them