Podcast: Peace to the world!

After the principal told me about the project, we immediately decided to show it to the pupils. We started a dicussion on the state of the world and talked about what messages of peace they would like to send out. During the next couple of days, pupils kept coming up with new messages. I told them to write down all of them and to think about how they would like to present them. Among themselves they chose their favourite messages, decided who and in what way will present them and soon enough they had a final script. With the help of their English teacher Ms Katija Peric, who corrected written and spoken mistakes and their computer science teacher Ms Antonela Gudic who provided technical support, we ended up with a short and sweet show.

Transcript of the radio message:

R: Hello!
R: We interrupt our regular radio program to bring you the breaking news. A number of pupils have gathered here with us to share their messages of peace. Let’s hear what these kids have to say.

J: We don’t want war and violence!
We want friendship and peace!
It’s been enough of war and violence!
J: Because the life is more beautiful without war and violence.

D: Let’s all pray for peace
Because with no peace there is no life
Because peace is the word of God!

S: War has no meaning. The only thing that happens in war is death and violence.
In war there is no happiness and joy, no winner.

T: Violence doesn’t solve anything.
T: Violence leaves bad marks.
Say NO to violence, say YES to friendship!

M: Peace will rule the world only when the light of love enters the souls of humans.
We can never have peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.

P: We hope our messages can inspire a change in the world and touch the hearts of all people.
May peace be in the whole world!

R: Such a beautiful messages! When it comes to spreading love and peace, language is never a barrier. Goodbye to everyone with final words from kids.

J: Let there be peace in the world.
D: Let everyone be good to each other.
S: Respect others as your own.
T: May love be everywhere.
M: Let love prevail.
P: Be together.