Podcast: A magic journey

A song submitted by Arsakeio Junior School students for KANTO N’ AKOUSTEI 2022 Song Competition. Special thanks to Katerina and Marilena for their wonderful word! Some of the lyrics:

A magic journey,
In a dream
on a magic carpet
In the sky

Next to me birds are flying
They greet me
They sing to me
It ‘s like a magic song

A green meadow below me
Many flowers surround a lake
Poppies, daisies, chamomiles
The place smells good

I want to explore,
Every new skill to learn
And all the knowledge I want to get

I fly as fast as I can
The wind blows my hair
I wish I could never stop
I smile
I want to see what else I can do

I want to explore
Every new skill to learn
And all the knowledge I want to get

But before reaching the end
I wake up.

I try to understand
What a dream that was
I suddenly realize….
It was a journey into my magical world