Podcast: Memories Music School of Veria

Graduates, seniors (former members of the radio team) and students of the B Lyceum of the school meet, to remember moments from school life but also to share with us their future plans and of course their music!
Watch the promotional video of the show: https://youtu.be/AvKxYZvPF4o
Post on our website: https://bit.ly/3wuR0GC

Podcasts from same production

Memories of Radio Conquers Music School of Veria

Skole: Μουσικό Σχολείο Βέροιας
24 maj 2021 18:00

A show – a tribute to the Music School of Veria Graduates, seniors and students of our school remember beautiful school moments from school and share with us their actions, their plans and their music!