Production: The sun of peace


Participation of Vlachata Kefalonias Primary School in the song contest ” Kanto nakoustei” 2023 with the main theme ” Youth for Peace’
This song was made by the 6th grade students of our school with the inspiring support of the teacher of the classroom.
Translation in english: A dark pathway, an unknown,terrifying world and you,
that you are always looking for light and for telling people that this war is hopeless.
How, search for how, there’s the purpose in your soul. Feel the beating of your heart.
Don’t stop in front of your fears and don’t forget, you fight for what you love.
Look up ,there’s a pure white bird. It’s holding an olive stick in his mouth and is waiting for the time that the sun of peace shows up again .
Link of the videoclip( The drawings were made by the 3rd and 4rth grade students of our school ):



The sun of peace

School: The sun of peace
28 January 2023 22:00

Participation of Vlachata Kefalonias Primary School in the song contest ” Kanto nakoustei” 2023 with the main theme ” Youth for Peace’ This song was made by the 6th grade students of our school with the inspiring support of the teacher of the classroom …