Production: My Peace Story


The Peace Story

In this time of turmoil, we ask ourselves where peace is, what peace is and when will it arrive.
Achieving peace is not easy, but it can be done. The most important thing is that one cannot achieve peace with somebody who does not want peace at all. At the beginning of a war, nobody wants peace, but when the consequences of a war start to emerge, peace is, at that point, somewhere in the subconscious, but with time it turns into a desire and eventually everybody carves it. Peace and violence are continuous in the cycle of human existence, which means that peace is approaching and when it arrives it is necessary to hold it for as long as possible. We all strive for peace because it gives us the possibility for development and growth. Only by understanding, respect and accepting others we can expect to get all this in return.
Let us be the positive example of how we want to live in peace. Let us make the world a better place for living.

Author: Gabriel Grabrovic (14), Elementary School Vladimir Nazor Pazin, Croatia

*Pianist: Monica Isabelle Popovic, Schubert IMPROMPTU no 1, in C minor Op.90.


School: My Peace Story


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