Production: The journey of life !


We discussed with the children in the music lesson, what they lack and what they would like to do in the future. One of the many that was heard, and in fact in the majority, was travel! We stood on it because the last two years were difficult to realize due to covid! So through our discussion and the experience of a pandemic, we came to the conclusion that we should not wait for a trip to a specific period of our lives, but to “travel” constantly with what we do in our daily lives. Our “JOURNEY OF LIFE” is unique and what we should enjoy and rejoice in its entirety without letting any day to be “wasted”!
Together with the children we expressed what is important, beautiful, right, fun for each of us individually, our desires and our needs. We first wrote down these ideas on paper and then created a video. The children in this video, express their own desires and thoughts, as well as chose the friends who will appear together. We all agreed that a message for life itself, needs an accompanying music that generates emotions and represents the meanings acoustically.
After being given different melodies and styles by the music teacher Ioanna Tsamopoulou, we listened to them as a group, we talked about how we feel listening to each piece and what made them feel more beautiful in the majority, was our final choice. Then, watching the eponymous movie of the song, was something that beautifully embraced our whole effort. Then, they collaborated with the visual arts teacher of the school and created the poster that expressed them !!!
In the end and after the different scenes of the video were shot, the necessary editing for an even and complete result – including – the background music was done exclusively by the school musician, due to the necessary use of a specialized program !!!



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