Production: #eimaste_oloi_mazi

Every 1 week/s Saturday, 17:00
     20/03/2021 - 20/03/2021     


In the context of a series of revelations and complaints that have come to light in recent weeks about abusive behavior, the radio show BETTE KEAT stands by the women and men who want to talk to those who have tolerated suffering for so long in silence. It is time to end all this and create a society of equality, justice, respect and education. Do not be afraid! We stand all together! #eimasteoloimazi

Frequency: 1 week,



School: Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης και Αποκατάστασης Τυφλών
20 March 2021 13:00

In the context of a series of revelations and complaints that have come to light in recent weeks about abusive behavior, the radio show BETTE KEAT stands by the women and men who want to talk to those who have tolerated suffering for so long in silence …

Pedagogical Issues, Social Issues