2nd Vocational School of Evosmos
School: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοThe group of pupils of the 2nd Professional High School of Evosmos, participating in the Erasmus + program of the school, will present to the listeners of EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO their experience of the trip to England and will inform you of “Active Agin …

Latin Dances Styles Names History
School: Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης και Αποκατάστασης Τυφλών“…..and those who were seen dancing, were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music”. What a great quote to describe the art of dancing! Today we Tango, Salsa, Cha Cha, Samba….!!! We even host and interview a latin dance teacher an …

2nd High school Xarilaou
School: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοRecreational, Social, Cultural News of the School, Information

Sports News
School: ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΣΤΑΚΟΥRresented by Andreas Gretsa, Konstantinos Drakos and Babis Vlachopanos. Poster by Stavros Gatsis.

13th Elementary School of Serres
School: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.

13th Elementary School of Serres
School: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.

13th Elementary School of Serres
School: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.

The poet Nikos Kavvadias
School: ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΣΤΑΚΟΥPresented by E. Kalantzis, I. Kakarounas and N. Livanis

Visual Impairments-Boundary or maybe not…?
School: Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης και Αποκατάστασης ΤυφλώνLet’s talk about us in today’s radio show… What do you know about people who are blind? Can this visual impairment be caused easily or not? Do you know famous blind artists, who made their dream come true? All the above and much much more will be pre …

Music for a happy New Year
School: ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΑΣΤΑΚΟΥThe members of “Talking Lobster” team present their favorite songs for a happy New Year

Radio Island
School: Πειραματικό Γενικό Λύκειο Μυτιλήνης του Πανεπιστημίου ΑιγαίουYou can listen to the 2nd Radio Island radio show for the school year 2018-19 (the changes in the educational system of the Lyceum and the lessons that will be given this year by the students of the three grades of the General Lyceum and the four class …

Rock the night No 2
School: 1ο Γενικό Λύκειο Ν.ΜΗΧΑΝΙΩΝΑΣThis is our first broadcast for this season.

jego team
School: ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΚΑΝΗΘΟΥΤέσσερις μαθήτριες του Γυμνασίου Κανήθου παρουσιάζουν ένα συνονθύλευμα από ατάκτως ερριμμένες πληροφορίες που αφορούν μαθητές και μαθήτριες και όχι μόνο…

Radio Island
School: Πειραματικό Γενικό Λύκειο Μυτιλήνης του Πανεπιστημίου ΑιγαίουYou can listen to our first Radio Island show for the school year 2018-19, with many subjects such as sporting issues, news about the Erasmus + KA2 STEAM European Training Program of the Experimental Lyceum of Mytilene of the University of the Aegean, …

it’s Christmas time
School: ΕΠΑΛ Κρύας Βρύσης ΠέλλαςΤthe theme of our first radio show is the Christmas customs in Greece because we are going to celebrate Christmas in few weeks. We will also play many Christmas songs. Have fun.