a) Popular songs by singers born in the 80’s and 90’s!!!!! b) Greek rock music from the decade of 1980!!

Every Sunday the radio show “Sunights” will be with you for 2 hours with lots of laugh, infinite knowledge and musical alternations and revivals to give color to our Sundays.

Interview by Achilles Dramountanis
Interview by Achilles Dramountanis

The Travellers – Music School of Veria – World Days
Radio show: The Travellers – Music School of Veria dedicated to World Days Μια εκπομπή που θα σας ταξιδέψει στον μαγικό κόσμο της ποίησης, της ελληνικής γλώσσας με όχημα τη μουσική. Το υλικό που παρουσιάζεται έχει δημιουργηθεί στο πλαίσιο των πρωινών δ …

Music In Our Lives
Music In Our Lives. A “live” for a compact radio show.

AstroGuys by 3th Lyceum of Veria
On this podcast, some students discuss physics issues, chemistry issues…and not only…

CarMad by 3th Lyceum of Veria
In this podcast, some students inform you about some cars…

“When Pontos meets Greece and Greece Pontos”
The infants of the 12th Kindergarten of Veria learned the history of Pontian Hellenism, traveled in time, learned the Pontian dialect, the songs and customs of Pontοs and tried to find what unites all the Greeks and built bridges between yesterday and …

World Poetry Day – World AntiRacism Day – Music School of Veria
Radio show dedicated to World Poetry Day – World AntiRacism Day – Music School of Veria 21 Μαρτίου – μια μέρα με πολλά πρόσωπα. Ημέρα της Εαρινής Ισημερίας και Αρχή της Άνοιξης, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ποίησης, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά του Ρατσισμού και των Φυλετι …

MSD Radio – Music School of Drama – Kpop Music
Τhe Music School of Drama through MSD Radio presents a special episode dedicated to Kpop music. A music journey to Korean Music on Saturday 30-03-2019 at 19:00-20:00. As the slogan of our broadcast is …… MSD Radio, gets you everywhere!!!!!!


Ways to and from…by 3th Lyceum of Veria
In this podcast, some students, tell you some facts about numerous things, with some special guests at a time…

Make it Heard… on air!
Dear audience, On Sunday 17th of March and for 4 Sundays, listen to the show “Make it Heard… on air” where will be heard the submissions of the schools for the “Make it Heard 2019” contest which has the subject: “our voice, a shield to the words of h …

Alcool…you later
Our school participates in the europeanschoolradio and this is our last radio show for this year.Τη Παρασκευή 22 Μαρτίου στις 17:00 θα βγει καινούργια εκπομπή από τα παιδιά του Λυκείου Μηχανιώνας με θέμα τα αθλήματα, τις εμπειρίες τους από τις Απόκριες …

Ways to and from…by 3th Lyceum of Veria
In this podcast, some students, tell you some facts about numerous things, with some special guests at a time…

the laikistes from the 2nd epal of larissa
you can listen the radio show of the 2nd epal of larissa for the school year 2018-2019 with local news and Carnival

Radio Pages
Implementation of the Educational Program “Radio Pages – the National Library on the Radio waves of European School Radio”, school year 2018-19 Creation of student radio shows in the studio of National Library of Greece at the Stavros Niarchos Foundati …

Game Review by 3th Lyceum of Veria
Game Review is a podcast that one student reviews a video – game, and tells you his opinion. Sources: Unboxholics IGN Greece

Journey into the past to the present and the future at ESR
Journey into the past to the present and the future at ESR! Radio Team of Veria’s Music Shcool celebrate 7 years at European School Radio. Τι γίνεται όταν φωνές από το παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον του δυναμικού του ESR ενώνονται σε μια ζωντανή εκπομπή στ …

We are the 5th Grade of the 3rd Primary School of Pylaia Thessalonikis and this is our first attempt to make our own radio show. Each radio show will be created by different groups of students, with different subject each time.

Musical shades on a night-time backgound
The production will be educational, cultural, informational and entertaining.Τhe broadcasts will include special celebrations on world-wide days, anniversaries or celebrities and will present workshops, actions, issues related to technical education an …

CarMad by 3th Lyceum of Veria
In this podcast, some students inform you about some cars…

Top five song list
The most popular songs according to youtube.

the ‘laikistes team’ from the 2nd epal of larissa
you can listen the radio show of the 2nd epal of larissa for the school year 2018-2019 with local news and educational issues

George and Friends
In every show guest will be a friend of George. They would discuss together about topical issues, make fun, laugh a lot, and broadcast news about youth.

Music broadcast with singers who became famous in Greece from talent reality shows!!!

AstroGuys by 3th Lyceum of Veria
On this podcast, some students discuss physics issues, chemistry issues…and not only…

Ways to and from…by 3th Lyceum of Veria
In this podcast, some students, tell you some facts about numerous things, with some special guests at a time…

4o Gymnasio Xalandriou at “Street Radio”
Some members of our team discuss with Konstantina Konstantinou…

Radio Cosmomediolanum
Radio podcast of the first class in second grade’s senior high-school of Eleytheroypoli with subjects as : Music:The secret expression of our soul, Movies and video game’s producted soundtracks, the radio of multicultural and solidarity, Civilization a …

Game Review by 3th Lyceum of Veria
Game Review is a podcast that one student reviews a video – game, and tells you his opinion. Sources: Unboxholics IGN Greece

Tech News by 3th Lyceum of Veria
We inform you for the latest technological news with subjects of common interest for young people and not only… School Website: http://3lyk-veroias.ima.sch.gr/autosch/joomla25/