
    1. stas started the topic Packages for Sublime in the forum Group logo of Dev TEAM 2017Dev TEAM 2017 7 years ago

      The current solution that is available to work on remote files involves creating a local copy of them. However, the local files are basically used as a facade for Sublime Text to perform standard file opertions such as the Goto commands. By using a number of features of Sublime SFTP, the local files will be automatically replaced with remote files…[Read more]

    1. stas created the group Group logo of Dev TEAM 2017Dev TEAM 2017 7 years ago

    1. stas uploaded the file: Snip to Group logo of LiveSurfaceLiveSurface 7 years ago

      Developers will be able to incorporate Project Chalk capabilities into their existing Vuforia-powered applications for iOS, Android and UWP. Additionally, Project Chalk will be made available as a standalone application via app stores in Fall 2017. To stay updated sign up here.

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