Production: Now I am here

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Ketvirtadienis, 17:00
     31/05/2018 - 31/05/2018     


The refugees are here, they are with us is a reality.

Periodiškumas: 1 week,


Now i am here

Mokykla: 9ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αγίου Δημητρίου
31 gegužės 2018 11:00

Odysseus in ancient Greek means “persecuted”. Over the past three years, thousands of Syrians have experienced their own Odyssey … Our radio broadcast, is a message of sympathy and acceptance to all the refugees of the earth with the wishfor them to …

Art & Culture, Books, Music, Poetry, School news, Social Issues