Production: What is happening now in the 2nd EPAL of Katerini. SMOKING OR NOT

Kas 1 savaitę/savaites Pirmadienis, 17:00
     28/05/2018 - 28/05/2018     


The Nursing Department of the 2 nd Vocational school of Katerini, in cooperation with the Prevention Center of Atraktos with Ms. Savinidou, invites you to listen to the radio show

Periodiškumas: 1 week,


What is happening now in the 2nd EPAL of Katerini. SMOKING OR NOT

Mokykla: 2ο ΕΠΑΛ Κατερίνης
28 gegužės 2018 14:00

The Nursing Department of the 2 nd Vocational school of Katerini, in cooperation with the Prevention Center of Atraktos with K. Savinidou, invites you to listen to the radio show