Production: “My bright little moon”


This song is in the dialect from Naoussa, Macedonia. From the book “The municipal songs of Niaousta”, collection Takis Mpaitsis, August 1977. Group for the protection and prominence of custom “Genitsaroi and Mpoules”.

Song: the kindergarteners
Xylophone: Iokasti K. (Kindergarten) & Ioannis M. B. (E’ of 8th Primary School)
Glockenspiel: Konstantinos K. (Kindergarten) & Ioannis M. B. (E’ of 8th Primary School)
Assistants at the glockenspiel: Stavros K., Yria T., Apostolos P.(Kindergarten)

Teaching of the song, sound montage: Lina Valsamidou



“My bright little moon”

26 sausio 2018 00:00

This song is in the dialect from Naoussa, Macedonia. From the book “The municipal songs of Niaousta”, collection Takis Mpaitsis, August 1977. Group for the protection and prominence of custom “Genitsaroi and Mpoules”. Song: the kindergarteners Xylophon …