Production: A letter from the future


The students of “The others and me” club collected their thoughts on peace creating a radio spot recorded in many languages. The students attending the “stop motion lab” created a short film about the spot “A letter from the future”. Teachers Markos Blatsios, Maria Balaska and Chryssa Michalakidi helped the students both with recording the spot and filming the short film. Special thanks to George Kritikos for his technical support.

Video link:

“A letter from the future”

A letter from the future addressed to “Irini” (peace)
Who is peace?
Where is peace?
What is peace?

Peace is waking up and be free.
When you start a new day, full of happiness and smiles around you, you should be grateful. Don’t take it for granted.
Peace is talking, laughing and having a good time with your friends.
Without peace your heart may break.
Violence will bring violence.
Violence spreads only terror in the world.
In the future, when this letter is being written, people have realised that even though we’re not the same, maybe we face the same difficulties and troubles.
If you don’t feel safe,
If you need me,
I’m here.
Inner peace will be found when everybody has become one.
Our differences can actually bring us together,
if you have both your heart and your mind open.



A letter from the future

29 sausio 2023 00:00

The students of “The others and me” club collected their thoughts on peace creating a radio spot recorded in many languages. The students attending the “stop motion lab” created a short film about the spot “A letter from the future”. Teachers Markos Bl …